Monday, December 2, 2013

Eggless Moist Banana Brownies


My my....the weather today is just soooo nice today! Nice as in raining the whole day and making all eyes so droopy. It is supposed to be the best time to snuggle in bed, with a book in your hand, or just turned on the television. And after like less than 10 minutes, it will be either the book's reading you or the television's watching you. Hahaha...

But hey, I am quite impressed with myself! I was as busy as Mrs Bee since I opened my eyes in the morning. When hubby left for work, as early as 6.15am (the office is not that far but he went early to avoid the traffic jam and also to secure a parking place), I began to make these...

While waiting for the buns to bake, I tried baking the brownies that I had eyed at Along Roz's blog. And at the same time, I was busy taking photos and whatsapping a friend and a few family members and made their lives miserable with the photos I took. Hahaha... sorry you gals, I meant well okay. Take it as a MOTIVATION and not TORTURE okay, Nora, Mak Chu and Ibu Nor! Hahaha.. love you gals... muaahhhh....

Note to Along Roz : ... how come my brownies doesn't look as nice as yours? Huwaaaaaa... huwaaaaa.....


Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Along Roz
Source : Love and originally from MR KakFida

Ingredients :

200g cooking chocolate
150g Butter (I used margarine)
400g ripe bananas - mashed
120g brown sugar
1/s teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons Vanilla Essence
150g plain flour*
4 tablespoons cocoa powder*
1 teaspoon bicarbonate Soda*
1 teaspoon baking powder* (*sifted together)
enough Chocolate Chips - to sprinkle

Method :

1. Melt chocolate and butter together. Allow to cool.
2. Add in mashed banana, sugar, salt and vanilla essence - mix well each addition.
3, Fold in sifted ingredients*. If too thick, add in 4 tablespoons fresh milk.(OMG! I didn't read this! So I didn't add any but luckily it is still okay!)
4. Line a 10" x 10" baking tray with greaseproof paper. Pour batter into the tin.
5. Sprinkle some choc chips.
6. Bake at 170C for 30 minutes or until done.
7. Slice and serve.

Have a nice day!


  1. The golden colour bun look so nice ~

    1. Hello Joceline Lyn...

      That bun is call Roti Paun and I've posted the recipe here >>
      Easy to prepare and lovely to eat. Stayed soft after 4 days, in an air-tight container. ;)


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