Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Roti Paun Lembut - A KEEPER


How should I feel, when I hear someone said that I have not been forgotten despite the VERY slow updates in my blog, the vanishing act that I've performed on FB world and the way I hide myself from the real world.. well frankly speaking, I'm trully touched. Trully trully trully....

It really touched my heart when I read what Kak Wan Nita of Fadelicious Cakes wrote when we were whatsapp-ing yesterday night. Anyway I will not reveal our conversation and will keep it to myself. Something that can perhaps boost my mood to update more often, In Shaa Allah...

To be frank, I've always have doubt about myself... about the things that I posted in my blogs... about the recipes that I've tried... Well, to me, I can't find anything fantastic in these blogs of mine. The only thing that I've always been proud of showing...hok aloh, cam riak je bunyi dia kan? Eh mama bukan riak ok.. bangga je sikit... tak salah kan? are the photos of my brownies. Hahahaha... and most of the time, it is the same recipe!! Kak Wan said, maybe it's my mindset! How can I reset? Huhuhu...

I'm taking this opportunity to thank all my visitors, followers (if there's any) and friends for all your support. In Shaa Allah MAMAFAMI's BLOG will stay 'alive', even if the owner is no longer in this world. If it is not much to ask, please recite Al-Fatihah for me whenever I cross your mind. Jazakallahu khairan.

T.H.E  R.E.C.I.P.E

Posted by MamaFaMi
Sources : Shamsiah Abd Rahim and May Agumo
Copied from : MaDiHaA

Ingredients :

500g high protein flour
50g milk powder
250ml chilled water
11g instant dried yeast (I used Mauripan)
120g castor sugar
a few drops of yellow food coloring
100g margarine

Method :

1. Gease all the baking tins thoroughly. I used vegetable shortening. Keep aside
2. Place all ingredents except margarine in a mixing bowl.
3. Fasten the dough hook onto the mixer and start kneading.
4. Once the ingrediets have just combined, add in the margarine. Knead till a soft and shiny dough is formed.
5. Remove from the bowl and rest the dough for about 10 minutes.
6. Divide the dough into a 27g balls. Shape it nicely and arrange in the prepared tins.
7. Cover the tins and leave the dough to rise till almost double the size.
8. Mix a bit of milk powder with a bit of water and brush lightly on top of the dough.
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 C for 15 to 20 minutes. Oven temperature and baking time may vary, depending on your oven.
10. Once baked, remove from the oven and onto a wire rack to cool.



  1. Gebunyeeeeee sedapnyeee terliurnyeee hehe

    1. Hihihi.... ha ah betul tu.. memang gebuuuuuuu... sedaaapppppp... ce buat ce

  2. sangat gebuuu...
    sukanya tengok...

  3. Wah! MamaFami, this is my childhood favourite! My grandma used to buy something like 4 trays (small ones lah) of roti paung fresh and I can sapu one tray in a sitting. Dah lama tak pekena roti paung. Too lazy to make. MamaFami punya nampak kembang-kembang and gebu-gebu. Rasa nak cubit!

    1. Hi PH,

      Actually I baked these buns in a 6 inch tin. So the size is just nice I think your grandma must have bought the same thing. Not surprised if you can sapu one tray in a sitting. Especially if your grandma served it with hot milo (budak kecik cannot take black coffee or otherwise, that will be a better choice! Hahaha). The roti is very easy to prepare. Just let your mixer do all the kneading while you goyang kaki... :D

  4. Assalamualaikum mamafami..nak ngendeng roti paung ni seloyang buruk perangai pulak..ape2 pun jika ader lebih tu poslah sebijik dua...ahakzz.....aduhhh gebu sungguh kena simpan resepi masuk list...bila angin rajin mai..kena buat ni....

    1. Waalaikumussalam Ummi Jazz...

      Kalau nak dipos, by the time sampai, roti paun ni dah jadi roti polka dots kot... haha... dah ada bintik bintik kulat. Ngeh ngeh ngeh. Ce buat Ummi Jazz... senang je...

  5. memang keeper resepi ni...boleh traiii gak nanti

    1. Ha ah, memang a keeper recipe. Tu sebab dah siap siap tulis. Senang nak rujuk.. :) Ce terai cer

  6. selalu beli on d way to KT @ Chendering rasanya... but now ada jual kat Kerteh... but i know mama punya paling best... they're all cooked with love..!!

    kena try buat ni sbb fav satu kelorga.. tqs for sharing..!!

    1. My cousin selalu brag about roti naik kat tepi jalan arah ke Trengganu side. Dia kata, kalau dia balik kampung hubby dia, never fails to stop dan beli paling kurang 10 biji... sekejap je selesai katanya. Huhuhu... buat teruja je bila dengar dia cerita. Tapi setakat leh dengar je la... nak pergi tu, ntah bilalah....

  7. sedapnya maaa ... kalau la rumahku sebelah rumahmu ... huhu

    1. Sedap memang sedap. Kalau Ain ni jiran, semalam dah dapat sebuku, elok keluar dari oven. Hehehe.. sebab semalam mama bake 4 loyang, 3 loyang mama bagi kat jiran-jiran mama sebenarnya. Mama simpan satu je kat rumah untuk mama dan hubby makan.

  8. Sayang, long time no hear! How is the texture the next day? Still Lembut tak? xx

    1. Hello my kakak Tina sayang...

      Ha ah, long time because I am always off and on with the laptop. Mood malas. Tapi now I think I am much better... but not sure for how long. The texture stayed soft till today, just like yesterday. I kept it in an airtight container. Take care sis....

  9. Salam mama,
    Nampak sangat gebu roti mama tu,huwaaaaa BM dah rosak tak boleh nak meroti lagi dah

    1. Waalaikumussalam Chik Mimi...

      Memang gebu dan lembut. Mama uli guna mixer. Mama rasa, kalau uli manual dengan tangan pun In Shaa Allah boleh. Cubalah buat separuh resepi... try test uji.. hehehe

  10. Mck selalu fail bila buat roti....maybe i'll try again....1/2 the recipe lah..

    1. Sis... SELALU does not mean SETIAP KALI. So there are possibilities you will succeed. Keep trying, never give up. Hik hik hik... macam yo yo o motivate orang. Sendiri phobia dengan sponge cake, tak de plak nak cuba terai test lagi... hahahaha...

  11. Assalam, ntah rasa sayu sebak bila baca entry hari ni.......jgn sis tulih hok gini.......
    Tganu byk le,roti paung ni......rata riti ade...sedakk wei...hehe......cicoh kopi o kaw .best ngat
    So so happy

    1. Waalaikumussalam Mak Teh dearest....

      Huhu... I wrote from my heart la Mak Teh. Exactly how I felt... Janganlah sayu sayu plak...
      Ha ah, my cousin selalu brag... bila dia gi Ganu, selalu beli lebih dari 10. Pas tu dalam kereta gak leh habis. Ish, bikin I jeles je. Sib baik retilah gak buat sendiri.... alhamdulillah I am very satistified with the recipe. Tu yang mark as A KEEPER.

  12. Assalammualaikum ! tgh update blog.....ternampak sis punya roti paun lak ! cam sedap jer.....cicah ngan gulai kawah.....hmmm yummy ! nak try buat la....kita amik resepi yeeee........kalau jadi nnti post kat blog kita lak !

  13. Salam Mf...lama tak nampak....hari nie nampak roti paung....

  14. Salam Mama....waaahhh nampakkk lembuuuutttnyaaaa roti kenapa mesti nampak keduutzzzz...hahahahhaa... Mama, betul2 stress kita tengok itu keduttzzz taaauu....adakah muka ku begitu, di pandang lembut, tp penuh kedutzzz...muahahahaha... Mama, tolong update dapur kita boleh x?

  15. Assalamualaikum Mama.. berkenan sangat dengan roti-roti yang Mama buat.. fyi, saya pun ada BM Cosway.. cuma jarang guna je.. he.. he.. he.. tapi, sekarang ni mood untuk buat roti membara.. nak tanya Mama.. untuk proses uli dan perap, Mama gunakan setting no. 13 ke?

    1. Waalaikumussalam warrahmatullahi wabarokaatuh. Rasanya betullah setting 13 tu. 1.5 jam kan? Nowadays mama guna mixer. Dah lama gak my BM tu berehat. Nanti nak kerah balik la... hehehe....

  16. Mama, ya betul.. setting no. 13 (1 jam 35 minit).. saya guna setting ni untuk uli Roti Planta Manis semalam.. saya bahagikan kepada 24 bahagian, bakar dalam 2 bekas.. alhamdulillah roti jadi gebu.. bahagianya makan homemade bread.. bekalkan hubby.. siap ada yang nak order.. he.. he.. he..

    1. Boleh guna setting tu, ataupun setting yang untuk uli sahaja. Kalau guna setting menguli sahaja yang less than 30 minutes tu, lepas BM habis uli, keluarkan doh dari bekas, let it rest for about 10 minutes. Then divide the dough to small portions. Cut semua doh dulu sehingga selesai, then bulat-bulatkan, starting from the first dough you cut just now. Arrange the nicely rounded dough into the greased tin and let them rise. Then sapu dengan mixture susu tepung dan air, barulah bakar. Thaaaa dhaaa... siap. Senang kan? And then enjoy you lovely homemade buns! Yummy yummy... you are making me wish for some buns now!

  17. Asalamualaikum

    Tumpang tanya sikit. Mcm mana nak kecilkan saiz recipe ni untuk one pan size 1lb? Oven saya kecik......

    1. Waalaikumussalam Ahmadw...

      Kalau tak salah mama, Ilb pan tu, is a loaf pan kan? If so, guna 1/4 resepi sahaja. Perhaps this would help...

      125g high protein flour
      13g milk powder
      63ml chilled water
      3g instant dried yeast (I used Mauripan)
      30g castor sugar
      a few drops of yellow food coloring
      25g margarine

      Since the recipe is in a very small portion, kenalah uli dengan tangan. Kalau masuk mixer or breadmaker, macam tak sesuai je :D All the best.

  18. gebunyaaa..arr sedapnya...nages tgk gambar roti gebu ni..terliuqq


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