Monday, May 20, 2013

Chocolate Marbled Bread Pudding

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Hana
via HaSue

Ingredients :

3 1/2 cups water
10g agar-agar powder
1/2 cup sugar (I added a tablespoon more)
4 pieces white bread - cut to small squares
2 eggs
1/2 cup condensed milk
170ml evaporated milk
2 tablespoons butter or margarine - melted (I used margarine)
2 tablespoons cocoa powder or chocholate emulco (I used emulco)

Method :

1. Bring to boil, 3 cups water, agar-agar powder and sugar.
2. Using a blender, blend together bread, eggs, condensed milk, evaporated milk and the balance of 1/2 cup water.
3. Pour the blended ingredients into the boiling syrup mixture.
4. Add in the margarine or butter and stir till the mixture bubbles. Remove from heat.
5. Divide the mixture into two portions and add cocoa to one portion and leave the other one as it is. (*If you are using cocoa powder, then mix with a tablespoon of hot water to form paste).
6. To do the marble effect, spoon 2 tablespoons of plain colored mixture and top it with 2 tablespoons of cocoa colored mixture. Repeat the procedure. When you are half-way through, reduce to 1 tablespoon of each mixture per layer.
7. Chill in the refrigerator till set.
8. Cut and serve. Enjoy!

Have a nice day!


  1. Assalamualaikum Mama cayang...rindu arrr..apasai senyap ker...mama makan puding je skrg ya....dah la jogging lagik 9 round...mesti dah kurus slim...adusss jelezzz aaii taauu...

    1. Waalaikumussalam Ummi. Senyap ni banyak sebab. Selain dari tak ada mood nak ngadap internet, kita masih belum familiar dengan benda baru yang hubby suruh guna ni. Lagi satu, mak kita ada dengan kita. Jadi kita taklah melangok depan laptop sangat.

      Kita tak jog Mi, kita jalan je. Tak larat nak jog, nanti semput! Hahahaha...

  2. Replies
    1. Bukannya rajin Adda, tapi terpaksa rajin... :)

  3. I like the very nice pattern. Must be very sedap! Today takde cerita ke ?

    1. To me sedaplah.. coz i love puddings. So easy to prepare tapi so lazy to do...

      Hadoi... to update the recipe pun I rasa like taking ages to finish, lagi nak story moray... hehehe... tunggu I punya kerajinan datang balk, then maybe boleh story moray... Now otak not functioning... in L.A.Z.Y mode...

  4. salam mama,
    smalam teragak sgt nk mkn puding nie..last2 x jadi buat..h ehhe agak2 powder x der stock kt umah trpaksa kiv buat lain hari plk..:)

    1. Waalaikumussalam Zila...

      Mama punya stok agar-agar powder pun dah nak habis ni. Nak kena cepat top up sebab nanti kot tekak teragak, boleh terus buat.. hehehe...

  5. assalam mama,

    errr tak de leteran ari cam tk lengkap plak bila masuk sini...cemana kejadiannya elok aje letaknya susunan kaler2 tu...jeles ai...aohh pekena tgh panas lit lit ni harus cedok terus dari loyang..tkde makne nk potong cumil2 cm tu...heee

    1. Waalaikumussalam Chah...

      Hihi.. kalau nak tunggu mama ni berleter bagai, gamaknya bulan depan pun lom tentu ada updates. Hehehe.. sekarang ni otak tepu la sikit. Nak tulis apa pun tak tahu. Jalan pintas paling mudah.. tak pegang laptop. Bila tak pegang laptop... tak update blog. Ngeh ngeh ngeh...

      Hihihi...ganasnya nak main ceduk terus dari loyang! Panas bebenor gamaknya ye... hehehe

  6. wahhhhh nyummyy..sedap ni plus cantek sekali..

    1. Terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih Zila... :)

  7. Salam mama..musim panas ni, haruslah dimakan puding2 sebegini untuk menyejukkan tekak kan??

    1. Waalaikumussalam Puan Ros. Puding memang sedap, sejuk menyegarkan. Nak buat pun senang, tapi tak tahu kenapa, mama yang malas buat!

  8. Lama giler mama x update. Pnat jek cek ari2, asik ngadap bingka tlur mama jek, muka kite pun dh mcm tlur! Slamat x jd tlur busuk!! Hehehe.. Cntik la puding mama, bseni sgt!!!!

    1. Ya ampun laa... mama ni jam memang dah teruk dah. Laptop ni pun jarang dah mama belai. Tapi terima kasih banyak-banyak kerana masih sudi bagi sokongan kat blog mama ni ye...

  9. This recipe looks really good and I am looking forward to give it a try. However, I just would like to know if it is possible for me to omit the bread in the pudding.

    Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!

    1. Hi Tilah..

      Well if you omit the bread in the pudding, then you will need to change the name of this pudding as well, don't you think so? *wink* Anyway, I think it is possible to omit the bread but the pudding won't be that firm. Perhaps you could add a little bit more of the agar-agar powder.


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