Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Harimau Malaya Chiffon Cake


Hello again! I hope everyone is in great shape. Well as for me, despite what had happened, I am okay. I can stay calm and not stress as always. Maybe the latest medication prescribed for me suits me well... so far so good. I've been taking my blood pressure trice daily and recorded them in the sheet that I had printed out so that I can 'present' my report to the doctor in my next check up, about three weeks from now.

Anyway, thank you to Melly and LOVE for trying to help me in this problem. I will try and see what I can do. If I can managed to get back the photos, I'd be very happy but if it's not doable, I won't stress myself. Though it may takes time to upload again, but I will try and do it... so please bear with me...... thank you......


Last Sunday afternoon, I just had the urge to bake a chiffon cake. And since that night, the Harimau Malaya team will be playing against the Thailand team in the AFF Suzuki Cup 2012, I've decided to transform the Rainbow Chiffon into Harimau Malaya Chiffon cake by making a few 'alterations' to the recipe. I just do hope that DG wouldn't mind! :)

Posted by MamaFaMi
Adapted from : Rainbow Chiffon

Ingredients :
Egg yolk batter:

6 egg yolks
50 g sugar
60g corn oil
60g coconut milk
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
110 g self-raising four

Food coloring :

Few drops yellow colouring
1/2 teaspoon chocolate emulco

Egg white foam :

6 egg whites
¼ tsp Cream of tartar
70g sugar

Method :

1. Preheat oven to 170C.
2. To make egg yolk batter : Combine egg yolks, sugar, oil, coconut milk and vanilla essence in a mixing bowl. Fold in flour until forms batter.
3. Divide batter into 2 portions. Add in yellow colour into one portion and chocolate in another portion. Mix until well blended.
4. To make egg white foam : Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy, gradually add in sugar, beat at high speed until frothy and stiff peaks.
5. Divide egg white foam into 2 portions. Gently fold into egg yolk batter separately, mix until well blended.
6. Pour each of colour batter mixture into ungreased 23cm tube pan by sequence.
7. Bake in for 40 - 50 minutes or until cooked.
8. Once baked, turn your chiffon pan upside down and leave to cool. Remove from pan, slice and serve.

Have a nice day!


  1. Assalammualaikum yeaa Mai Tuan...Hamboiii...ni ke kek yang mai tuan goda2 kat mms tu ari...Lawaaa dan nampak ke gebu an berlaku di sini....errr Gebu?..ada kah segebu itu budak's Mat Gebu?....

    1. Waalaikumussalam Ai Chu (psst Mat.. mama lom habis baca lagi... huwaaaaa... tapi dah lepas separuh lah... takut lunyai je buku Mak Chu! Huhuhu... baru dia hensap nak bagi pinjam lagi nanti....hihihi)

      Ooooo dapat MMS eh? Naper tak balas.... hemphhhhhh.... :D

      Gebu memang kek ni Mat... segebu budak Mat Gebu tu ler... ahaks....

  2. Hi my cayang, yuuuhhuuuuu hantar 2 keping harimau chiffon for my breakfast. I go make kopi now. LOL Look very cottony soft, YUMMY!

    Have a nice day, muahhhhzzzz....

    1. Hai darling.... Sudah bancuh itu kopi ka belum? Alamak... today Selangor cuti la.. so no courier... maybe next time.... hahahaha....

      Lovel day to you too.... hugs....

    2. Amelia! I want kopi toooooo...so long didn't have one! ;)

      Yay Selangor cutiiii...Happy Birthday to our Sultan!

    3. Hi Love, ok make it 3 cawan.... we make Mama Fami dapur berasap. LOL

  3. As salam MF ...take care yourself yeea. Belang harimau Malaya hehe cantik nama tu .

    1. Waalaikumussalam Kak Noor...

      Terima kasih ye. Masa buat tu tak pikir plak pasal belang tu Bila dah potong.. eh why not bagi nama ni bersempena perlawanan diorang hari tu. Hmm agaknya, kalau diorang makan kek ni, leh menang kot ek? Ahahahahaha... perasan je!

  4. kalo la dekat, mau saya bawak piring mintak 2 keping ni mama..!!! take care ya..!!

  5. No mention dear...after all we are in the Bloggywood and should help each other in anyway we could :)

    Wahhh semangat patriotik I berkobar-kobar tengok kek ni! Delish!!! ;)

    1. Hi Love...

      Frankly speaking... I dah pening baca. So I nak relax for now. Huhuhu.. if only there is any good samaritan out there yang boleh datang tolong kat sini, kan ke bagus... I ni kalau bab bab baca benda technical....sangatlah slow! Huhuhu....

  6. wahh cantiknya mama..belang rimau tue:)

    1. Hihihi.. baru nak perasan Zila kata mama cantik. Rupanya belang rimau! Hahahaha

  7. Woahhh Mama.. i loikee.. actually dah dua tiga hari ni macam terasa nak buat chiffon cake.. boleh stress ah cam ni hehe

    1. Hahaha... lawak ni... Rima stress tengok chiffon cake! Stress dia je yang dia tahu, stress kita tengok memacam benda cantik, menyelerakan dan menterujakan dalam blog dia, dia tak tahu! Hehehe...

  8. Assalamualaikum Mama,
    alamak ada kek rimaulah kat sini...garang tuuuuu....hah ni cheetah/leopard dtng...takut tak....takut tak....he3...meh kita tukar kek suka sama suka..tapi kalau mama tak suka pun takpe..I tak marah....daaaaa....

    1. Waalaikumussalam Yatie...

      Rimau ni lembut. Tapi cheetah/leopard kat rumah Yatie tu ganassss gitu! Hahaha... Comel kek Yatie tu, mesti anak-anak happy kan....


Please feel free to drop a comment or two... much appreciated... thank you!