Thursday, May 1, 2014

Raintree Beach Resort, Tuaran, Sabah (2)

The Reception Office / Lobby. There is a shop selling souvenirs, snacks and drinks. I am not too sure what else are in there because I didn't go into the shop. There is WIFI connection here.

The path to the Villas.

The Villas. At the time I posted this entry, the rate is RM300++

The Chalets. At the time I posted this entry, the rate is RM220.00++

The Swimming Pool

The Outdoor Cafe. Sorry, I forgot to snap the indoor cafe, fully airconditioned.

View from my room. Lovely isn't it? Oh how I miss this place....

End of part 2..... 

For reservation and enquires, please call

Tel : 088 - 787070 / 787171 / 787799
Fax : 088 - 787775


  1. mama...long time no jalan2 here....
    - header you mmg cantik!
    - raintree villas pun cantik....mama dok situ holiday? banyak places of interest nearby ke?

    dah la lama tak lawat...tanya banyak pulak kan :))

    1. Hi Sis...

      I pun dah long time no jalan-jalan. Tak usah nak kata jalan 'rumah' orang, 'rumah' sendiri pun I tak berapa nak jalan. Sket baik tak SELAMAT JALAN terus dengan blog ni. Hahaha...

      Thanks for the compliments. Header tu, I dok conteng atas pasir kat beach Raintree tu la. Places nearby, I tak berapa ronda sis sebab hubby pergi event dia... I lawat kawasan dalam resort tu je. Tu pun tepi laut dan lepak kat pondok dia tu, layan story book. Heaven on earth! After hubby habis event dia, we went somewhere, quite far... nanti I story telling dalam entry depan depan ye...


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