Wednesday, February 12, 2014

As I was....

I was clearing my folders and stumbled into these photos. Rather than let it 'freeze' in the folder and forgotten all about it, might as well i post them in here.

Made these cuppies for Azimah's boss quite sometime back...

And these were for Pak Chu's colleague


  1. wah lawaaa, macam nak je, tapi orang punya dah tu, buatkan akak macam ni Mamaaaa

    1. Ala Kak Noor ni, janganlah buat malu kita. Bukan susah mana nak buat. Kalau Kak Noor buat... mesti lagi kemas dan cantik kejadiannya...

  2. Replies
    1. Tak de mana seninya Fizah. Kalau tengok orang lain punya, mama punya ni tahap darjah 1 je... :D


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