Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Empress Breadmaker Manual and Recipe Booklet

I received an email from Zion Wong, asking me if I still have my Empress Bread Maker's recipe. And what a coincidence, I do have them and the best part is, I've already scanned them. I think I must have done that for Wafa before this. Thought of sharing the recipe manual here but I kept delaying. So for today, I will share the Empress Bread Maker Manual and also the recipe that comes with it. I do hope these manuals will be of some help to those who may have lost theirs.


and please click HERE FOR THE RECIPE BOOK

Thank you to STAYIN STEYN for the tutorial or otherwise, I wouldn't know how to attach this pdf documents into the blog post. Your help is much appreciated.

Have a nice day everyone!


  1. Assalamualaikum mamafami..sy baru belajar buat roti.baru je kelmarin beli empress breadmaker.taktau nk bertanya kt mana..terjumpa blog mamafami.hrp mamafami boleh bantu..
    Masalah sy bila guna program bread dough.sy dh dua kali cuba,lps setting utk bread dough,bm automatic set sejam setengah.mmg lps sejam setengah doh naik cantik tp bila keluarkan doh jadi lembik.tak boleh nk bentuk utk buat roti bun ke,roti sosej ke..frustnya sy.padahal sblm ni sy guna resipi yg sama,uli dgn tangan,elok je menjadi..
    Apa agaknya yang tak kena ye..?hrp sgt mamafami boleh tolong sy..

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Doh menjadi lembik kalau kuantiti liquid yang dimasukkan terlebih. Jadi, kenalah adjust sikit kuantiti air nya. Dan jangan biar doh terlebih proof.

    2. Hai, kat mana sy boleh beli BM brand ni yer? Sy dh lama cari...tq.

    3. Hi Adrieyn...

      Breadmaker jenis Empress ni akak beli dari outlet Cosway. Tapi ini model lama. Now ada model yang baru.

  2. salam, terima kasih atas perkongsian resepi. Cuma tak jumpa cara nak buat. Adakah semua bahan tu masuk saja dalam pan? set apa yang patut..pohon bantuan puan

  3. My friend just gift me this bread machine. With the recipe i get from your blog, it fanatic. it's great help.
    Thank you so much.

  4. thankyou very much for sharing

  5. Thank you for sharing the manual!

  6. I am looking to buy the breadpan as i cannot find it in cosway's shop. Do u have any to sell to me?

  7. Dear Mama, the bread machine is no longer being sold by cosway but do u know of any similar breadpan which can be used on the breadmaker? Thanks

  8. Hello. Do you still have the manual and recipe book? Got a second-hand model from a friend of my Mum's,and I'd like to test it out.

  9. Thanks for sharing this manual. Ive lost mine. It helps alot. Thank you very much.😊


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