Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Pandan Butter Cake (A Keeper)

Adapted from : Rima

Ingredients :

250g butter
200g sugar
4 eggs
250g plain flour
5g baking powder
100ml milk
50g popoy seeds (i omit. Instead, I added chocolate rice/vermicelli)
1/4 tsp pandan essence
Apple green food coloring

Method :

1. Preheat oven to 170C, greased and line a 7" baking pan. I used 2 loaf foil pans.
2. Beat butter and sugar till creamy.
3. Add in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
4. Fold in sifted flour and baking powder.
5. Stir in fresh nilk, mix to form batter.
6. Add a teaspoon of flour into the chocolate rice and stir to coat. Pour the chocolate rice into the batter and fold to mix.
7. Pour the batter into prepared pans. Bake it in oven for 40 - 45 minutes or until cooked


  1. Mama, I am so gonna bake this!

  2. First time in your blog...yummylicious cake..plz tell me what's Pandan..will this be available in India?

    1. Saswati... Pandan Is screwpine Leaves or pandanus leaves.. Its green in colour and have a sweet aroma and added unique flavour. The purpose of having this is a dessert is same as vanilla... You can opt for either one

    2. Saswati... Pandan Is screwpine Leaves or pandanus leaves.. Its green in colour and have a sweet aroma and added unique flavour. The purpose of having this is a dessert is same as vanilla... You can opt for either one

    3. Am a producer of the real pandan rice.Am also now producing pandan flour.Can I make a cake with this flour without using the pandan essence ?

  3. Assalam sis, at last bole asses balik my mail, kek ni memberi inspirasi utk bday cake
    I saw yr karipap besar kat pinterest

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