Saturday, August 15, 2015

Hello Note

Just dropping by to say HELLO to all. 
I am fine and still breathing. 
I know it's been quite a while since I post anything here. 
It's like an abandoned blog nowadays.
Not that I didn't cook or bake, but I just don't know why I didn't update.
Will try my best to update recipes soonest possible.
Meanwhile, you can check my IG for latest updates.
My IG is mamafami.

Take care and hope to be back, soon. 


  1. Hi Sweetie, good morning to you. Sudah balik Raya arh?
    Tu bear bear very cute and sedap. :))

    Have a nice day, regards.

  2. Selamat hari raya mamafami,jom pakat update blog semula seperti dulu..huhu..diriku pun begitu. hehehe

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi, I've been following you since I've started my first hair/culinary blog.
    I'm happy to know that everything goes well for you :-)


Please feel free to drop a comment or two... much appreciated... thank you!