Monday, March 2, 2015

Grape Split!

Hello everyone!

I think I have been over-using my brain today. And I feel like there are smoke coming out of my skull right now! 

What have I been thinking about? Well, thanks to Mak Chu for bringing up this topic. And thanks to Jun Yummilicious (oops... her blog is now locked it seems...huhuhu) for supporting the issue as well! 

I was thinking about Phillips Airfryer and Tefal ActiFry 2 in 1 Comparing is the better word. Read so many reviews, watch so may videos about both these products. I was like drained out and the head is starting to give me a signal, enough-for-today-mama! Yeah, so I stopped browsing....for now. I need to take a break and give my brain some brain freeze... so here we are.....

Erk....GRAPE split? What happened to BANANA?????
Well, that will be in my next entry ya....
Meantime, you guys enjoy the look of it while I indulge myself with the lovely taste! Oh so yummy.......... #feelinglovely (wahhhh mama dah pandai hastag tauuuu... ahaks) 

Oh by the way, if any of you is kind enough to give me any feedbacks on both the product I've mentioned above, please please please help me out. I'd appreciate it very much... please. Thank you. 

Have a nice day people!


  1. wah mama dah jadi grape split pulak keeee ayoyo banana split pun tak dpat lagi ni tambahan grape huhu kesian kaknoor terhinginnnn ni

    1. Kak Noor, kalau takat benda ni je yang Kak Noor teringin, tak de hal punya, Bukan susah mana. Tapi kalau yang Kak Noor hidang tu yang kita teringin... kena usaha lebih sket! Huhuhhu

  2. Fulamak!!!!! Mama, your Grape Split looks fantastic! Gambar besar-besar lak tu. Too bad I am still not successful in grabbing things from the screen, so terpaksa meleleh air liur depan skrin jer lah ye... Hadoi, nak beli fryer pun sampai berasap kepala. I was actually quite interested lah in the air fryer but my dapur is already full of white elephants! Anyway, hope that mama make up her mind soon and we can see the wonders that she does with the air fryer :D

    1. Purposely bikin gambar besar. Biar jelas dan berjejes air liur! Hahahaha... very kejam eh?

      Tu la pasal, baru pasal airfryer, belum lagi hal besar, kepala i dah keluar asap. Kalau suruh fikir lagi berat sikit, harus hangus! Hahahaha.....

  3. Owwhhh Mama.... Nak eskrem tu...!!! Ours dah nak masuk 2 tahun Phillips Airfyer tu.. Memang heavy-duty.. Almost everyday guna.. Senang sgt kerja.. Gerenti tak hangus.. Boleh lari sana sini sambil goreng ayam/ikan.. Set timer je.. Can run here & there buat kerja lain.. No oil used oso.. Very healthy kan.. Rasa tak bersalah makan ayam/ikan kunyit air-fried.. Pastu campak dalam sos masak merah, masak kicap, sweet sour bitter hehehe.. Tapi Tefal's wider kot.. Can put more.. Tak tengok lagi Tefal's..

    1. Oh Mulan ada guna Phillips eh? Kira recommended la ni? Yang Tefal tu, dia ada blade kat tengah. Kalau nak goreng ikan, cemana lak kan? Ate blade tu berpusing... mau hancur ikan kot ek? Tapi kalau Phillips punya dia just for frying stuff je kan? Tak leh stir fry kan? Huhuhu.. still dalam dilema ni.

      Kot dekat, leh upah eskrim sebab tolong jawab. Ni jauh, sendiri beli la ye. Anyway, thanks a lot for the feedback. Now, Phillips comes first la... so far....

  4. sesuai sangat makan time cuaca panas2 mcm sekarang.........

  5. Hello sis,
    Ambik Phillips , mak teh x dak ni,tpi jiran mak teh yg sgt2 into healthy eating, dah lama guna..
    Mak teh penah p jusco tgk..teringin jgak satu...tgk harganya..mak aii...pak teh kata next time lah...heh heh next time dah jdi 3 thn daaaa
    Yesterday tgk kat persada johor ada another brand..dah lupa namanya..nmpak awesome..mak teh jeling je


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