Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Puding Jelly Sumi


Ingredients :

1 packet strip 'agar-agar'
1 litre water
1 can (400g) evaporated milk (I used SAJI brand)
1 cup sugar
1 packet sumi jelly
brown and pink food coloring

Method :

1. Place the strip 'agar-agar' in a pot. Add water and bring to boil until the agar-agar dissolved completely.
2. Add sugar and evaporated milk. Stir till sugar dissolved.
3. Remove from heat. Divide into 3 bowls.
4. Add brown and pink food coloring into 2 bowls and leave the other one plain.
5. Place the mound onto a tray filled with ice, to speed up the setting process of the pudding.
6. Arrange the Sumi Jelly into the mould. Pour slowly the plain mixture into the mould. When the plain mixture has set slightly, pour in slowly the pink colored mixture.
7. When the pink colored mixture has set, pour in the brown mixture and place the jelly in the refrigerator to set fully.
8. Once set, slice and serve. Enjoy.


  1. Terbaik dimasa panas gini
    Love you sis

    1. Ha ah sis.... masa panas panas ni, mood nak buat apa pun macam terbantut je. Buat puding je la gamaknya sebab senang dan cepat. Less hassle. Rasa pun nyaman! Hehe... love you too Mak Teh. Kensalam kat Don ye ;)

  2. wah mama dok tayang puding jelly lah time panas2 ni kan mengancam tu kaler nya menarikss
    kaknoor just nak bgtau blog Bicara Kak Noor ( testing ) yang mama follow tu ada problem jadi dah tak guna, so kalau mama sudi boleh lah sign blog kaknoor yg skrg ni ya, itu pun kalau sudi lah ya...

    1. Hihihi... kita kan suka kaler Kak Noor. Sket baik rambut kita tak kaler kalerkan! Hahahaha... Maintain black and white! Muahahaha....

      Kita dah masuk dah blog kak Noor yang sekarang ni. Kita click je add to circle ke apa tu. Tak tahu ler betul ke tidak kita buat. :D Terima kasih ye Kak Noor sebab inform kita..

  3. wahh.. mama... puding mu menarik sungguh! cuaca panas gini makan puding sedapnyaaa...

    1. Terima kasih Lia. Ha ah, di musim musim sinar mentari memancarkan cahayanya dengan terang benderang gemilang ni, makan puding memang sedap. Nak buat pun senang dan cepat. Tak yah dok melangok kat dapur lama lama. Hehehe

  4. waaah mengoda sungguh warna warna ceria
    manis dipandang manis juga masuk ditekak...mama yang ini pun gambar cantik!

    1. Mama pun suka warna puding ni Mrs Smile. Dalam otak ni dah pikir nak improvise resepi ni. Nantilah kot timbul kerajinan. Hehehe.... Nyaman oooo... puding ni melorot kat anak tekak!


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