Saturday, November 9, 2013

Brownies for Jid

Assalamualaikum to all you lovely people out there...

Hmmm... shall I say, it's good to be back online? I think I should not say that because I am not so sure for how long I will be 'back on air' this time. Though I have quite a number of reasons why I should be back, but all narrowed down to the word L.A.Z.Y, hence the 'blog full of cobwebs'!!!

Not only I am lazy to update my blogs, but I was lazy to turn on my laptop. And to make things worst, I am even lazy to turn on my oven. My oven, my mixer and all my baking stuffs are having such a wonderful vacation I guess! Hahahahaha....

What have I been doing all these while? What else.... besides doing the housework, I spent most of my time reading... mmmm that's another story as well. Though I've read quite a number of books, there is also NO updates in my other blog.

So to conclude.... i will blame it on L.A.Z.Y... hehehe....

Anyway, these were the latest 'products' from my lukewarm kitchen. Thanks to Jid for making my oven warm again... hope you are happy with the brownies.

Till then, have a nice weekend!!

p/s : MAK CHU.... dah dah.. tak yahlah nak cekak pinggang lagi. Mama dah update blog dah ni... :P


  1. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    That cake look's great.
    Chaclate cake is the best.

    Maybe sis is in the middle of a writers block
    Need some new spirit to start the ball rolling
    Thank yous sis again for the opportunity

    Semoga perkongsian ini membawa manfaat ek.
    ( -.-) RING3

  2. Salam Mf...ceria brownie tu bunga kecil hiasan...

    1. Waalaikumussalam Kak Noor. Comel kan bila letak bunga kecil tu. Rasa macam ala ala garden theme lak.. hihihi

  3. Welcome back mama...rindu....

    that brownies amat cantik...bunga tu...fondant ke?

    1. Hi Makcik...
      I punya comeback bukan boleh pakai pun. Jap come jap go! Hahahaha....
      Ha ah, bunga tu guna fondant. Senang kerja... hihihi...

  4. Aslmkm Mama. Long time tak dtg sini or bw rmh kwn2. Along bz & penat ler. Your brownies look splendid!

    1. Waalaikumssalam Along. Mama pun, bukan kata jarang bw rumah kenkawan, laptop mama pun jarang bukak! Hahaha... jangan laptop merajuk sudahlah.

  5. mama..seriously brownies mama memang sedap. nak repeat order tapi rumah mama jauhnya..haha tambah tolak dengan saya yang buta direction nih. dapat cuci mata tengok brownies ni pun dah ok

    1. Terima kasih banyak ye Aminah. Maaflah, mama tak boleh nak recall Aminah yang mana satu. Or maybe Aminah guna nama lain kot masa order. Aminah tinggal di mana ye?

  6. Salam MamaFaMi..
    mana aci bagi gambor jer..
    kasi lah sama resipinyaaa...
    mana tahu hagin rahjin melanda.. mau coba..
    anyway bunga tu cantik laaa..comel macam MamaFaMi tau..

    1. Hihi... Kak Liza... Aci tak bagi gambar kak, ini kita snap sendiri... hihiihi... guwau okay guwau....
      Kita gunakan resepi Best Brownies tu je kak.... ni link resepinya :

      I comel ke Kak Liza... ish jangan... nanti i kembang dua taman lak...

  7. MamaFaMi, can't believe a "lazy" person produced all those gorgeous brownies. Meletup lah! Love the ones with the flowers :)

    1. Phong Hong.... setakat brownies macam ni, i think, budak sekolah rendah also can do better. Hahaha... You nampak gorgeous sebab it's colorful I think... hahaha... Anyway, thanks dear...

  8. awesome...maybe a book is coming out

    1. Ahah.... jangan Mak Teh. Nanti orang ingat kita betul betul tulis buku tau! Hahahaha.....

  9. Saw this, make me craving for it :) They look delicious.

    1. Hahaha... i craved for it when I saw the makcik nasi lemak selling it. So, balik rumah, I made it myself and enjoyed it to the fullest! Hahaha.. After this, bulan tak payah crave for serimuka!

  10. Mama cayaaannggg...tolong hantar brownies tu dan tiupkan semangat utk Ummi update jugak....mmg teramat malasss skrg nih....kata org, badan "naik mua"....hehhee

    1. Hihihi... jauh tu nak nganto ke sana. Daripada Ummi tunggu brownies ni sampai sana, Ummi godak sendiri, dah leh makan dengan enaknya!

  11. Assalamualaikum,

    Jika saudara berminat untuk memperbaiki masalah kesihatan, turun berat badan, naik berat badan ataupun mengekalkan berat badan, InsyaAllah saya boleh membantu.

    Jika berminat boleh email saya.InsyaAllah saya berusaha sedaya mungkin untuk coach dan bantu saudara.


  12. Yuuhuuu....sweetie, lama MIA? Aiyoh... update lah at least once a month jangan LAZY sekejab ada, kejab tak ada. LOL
    Your brownies look sedaplicious and the decoration is so cute. isshh... so tempting lah... hantar sekotak to my pondok to celebrate with me 'I on air'. :))

    Be seeing you, have a lovely day ahead.

    1. Hi Amelia....

      Adoiiii as much as I'd love to update this blog... that much also I am feeling lazy. Very balanced! So how? Hahaha... Lagipun, I punya dapur pun tak berasap sangatlah lately. Must snap out of this situation soon la. I pun dah penat juga being lazy. Hmmm... But I think, do blame it on the storybooks la... tak boleh resist! Can spend the whole day reading the books tau....

  13. salam mamaFami..salam perkenalan dari saya. Saja BW tengok2 resepi Brownies..ternampak la brownies mamaFami yg amat cun dan menusuk kalbu ni..nak tumpang tanya Mamafami jual brownies ni berapa ye n camana MamaFami potong2 brownies ni jadi cantik je kejadiannya?sbb saya selalu potong Brownies jadi senget2 jer..tq ..

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Selepas brownies dikeluarkan dari oven, mama akan tekankan sedikit cutter yang datang sekali dengan loyang ni sekadar untuk membuat garisan. Selepas sejuk, mama keluarkan brownies dari loyang dan potong dengan pisau mengikut garisan yang terbentuk di atas brownies tadi.

    2. thank u so much mamaFami coz 'sudi' reply me..hehe..1 more thing to ask, if u don't mind..the flowers the green 'batang' is it from piping jelly? sorry mama banyak tanya kan, tp nak minta izin mama to make 1 exactly like yours..boleh x?even saya xpandai dan xpernah pon guna fondant :-( tp teringin nak belajar..kalau buat bunga kecil2 mcm ni rasanya its a lot easier to learn..kan..almaklum baru nk berjinak2 baking..

    3. Most welcome. Tak rugi berkongsi ilmu. Mudah-mudahan mendapat ganjaran di kemudian nanti, wallahu alam.
      The flowers and the heart shape leaves are made of fondant. Guna cutter aje. Hassle free :D Roll the fondant slightly thin, then cut using the cutters. As for the flower's stems, I used melted cooking chocolate. I don't really know it my method is right or not, but I melted some white cooking chocolate and add a drop of green food coloring to it.
      Nak buat exactly like mine? Alahai terharunya. Bukan cantik mana pun and plus, tak ada trademark pun. So, please go ahead :)

    4. oo ok faham..btw nama saya fieda..sori sbb x kenal diri dari awal..i is maluuu..hehe..tkasih banyak2 for your tips and guide ya..selain kt sini kt mana fieda boleh keep in touch mama ye..Fb or email?


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