Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lemak Cili Padi Daging Dengan Rebung


*Timidly stepping in....*
Assalamualaikum. I come in peace! Hihihihi....

I know that I have not been updating the blog for A WHILE. And yes, I had been receiving the same question for so many times from so many friends. I am touched. People do remember me.

Well, besides being lazy to update, the camera in my phone is not being nice to me. That actually puts me off. On top of that, I had forgotten where I put my camera! Huhuhuhu... macam dapat madu sepah dibuang je lagaknya kan... bila madu dah habis, dok mengais cari sepah balik semula... muehehehehe...

Apart from the technical problems, I am busy trying to reduce things in the house. And also, we had been doing quite a bit of travelling since my kids are no longer staying with us. So mama and ayah get the chance to travel... yeeeehaaa... I just love to travel. Though not that far but still, the chance to travel never fails to excite me.

In sha Allah I will try my best to update more often though the photos presented in my blog are just ordinary photos, nothing spectacular! But I am happy....


Source : Che Mat Gebu

Ingredients :

500 g bamboo shoots, sliced thinly, washed and keep aside
200 g topside beef, sliced thinly, washed and keep aside
4 stalks lemongrass, bruised
1 litre thin coconut milk
3 dried tamarind skin
300 ml thick coconut milk
Salt and zeal to taste

To be minced :

1/4 cup bird eye chillie
5 shallots
2 garlic
1/4 inch fresh ginger
1 inch fresh turmeric root

Method :

1. Boil enough water in a pot and add in the sliced bamboo shoots till soft and put through a strainer.
2. In another pot, place the sliced beef, lemongrass and the minced ingredients. Add a bit of water. Boil till the beef is soft and add thin coconut milk.
3. When the gravy starts to boil, add in the soft bamboo shoots.
4. Add dried tamarind skin, thick coconut milk, salt and zeal to taste.
5. Simmer on low heat. Stir once in a while.
6. Remove from heat and ready to serve.


  1. Hi Sweetie, lamaaaaaaaaa MIA?? Good to see you back in action, jangan after this posting hilang lagi. LOL

    Extra rice please to go with your delicious daging dish. :))

    Have a nice day. Be seeing you.

    1. ermm.. sedapnya lemak cili api makan dgn nasik panas :)

      Jom Exchange Blog List @

  2. Welcome back! Hw cn i miss sch a lovely post . The color luks spectacular

  3. Assalam......seronok x terhingga

  4. Assalamualaikum mama. Rindu kat mama. Mula kenal mama sejak duk qatar dulu smpi nak buat mee kuning pun rujuk resepi mama. Ops dulu xde fb rajin email mama. Hehehe

    Sedapnya tgk rebung ni. Lama x mkn sayur rebung

  5. MamaFaMi, meh bak nasi dua pinggan! Sambal ekstra! (eh, eh, lebih-lebih pulak :D)

  6. Ok la tuuu..update jugak, kita ni dah berkulat bersawang dah dapur tu kot....addeeeii...lomak cili padi mu menggoda sungguh Ma...

  7. Yaaa rindu juga bila lama menyepiì

  8. miss u mama...!!!!

    yummeehhhh always...


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