Friday, December 28, 2012

PUTRA Homestay in Malacca

Looking for a homestay in Malacca?

I have a good place for you who is looking for a comfortable place to stay, in a good and strategic area. Not to mention at a very reasonable and affordable rate.The homestay is situated in Air Keroh, somewhere near Sekolah Menengah Sains Muzaffar Syah Melaka (Moz@c).

For those interested, please contact Puan Noni at 013-3927900.

The bedrooms are fixed with air-conditioner.


  1. hi, tmpt yg baik elok tu, hmm..lain kali p insyaallah I'll look it up..selalu p melaka,sg udang paling kerap..apa kabar

    1. Alhamdulillah Mak Teh. Sihat adanya. Kalau Mak Teh ke Melaka..lehlah dok sini. Very strategic area. Rumah semi-D. The owner is a friend of mine. Sajalah tolong promote...

  2. wahh mama.. cantiknyer homestay ni... bleh simpan nombor ni dulu kot2 nak ke melaka lagi..
    siap ada oven lagi haa... bleh la godek muffin.. kekekeke...
    tq mama sharing this..

    1. holiday pun nak baking baking ke? Cuberrr le bawak berehat. Hahaha. Sebenarnya ni rumah kawan mama. Dia hias rumah dia pun macam home sweet home dia gak...tu sebab cantik. Kalau nak dia sendiri ye....

  3. Laaa awat x habaq awai2 bolih la g Melaka duk situ hihihi??


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