Saturday, December 15, 2012

Kuih Lopes


I had quite a busy day today... well, not THAT busy but I am fully occupied the whole day.

In the morning, I spent most of the time with hubby : Breakfast at Mapley, went to Perodua service centre to service my daughter's car.

In the afternoon, dated with my kitchen : Cooking, steaming and baking! *wink* *wink* *wink* Mesti Mak Teh kata, "waaaa..baru je keluaq spital, dah kayuh mesti dah sihat sangat2 ya"... Hahahaha... I kena kayuhlah Mak Teh.. kalau stay idle, nanti sakit lain mai.... sakit malas... lagi haru... mana nak cari ubat!

And in the evening, with Chokni. Together we went to Hero Supermarket and Chokni did a supermarket sweep which she seldom does. Had a good time with Chokni and enjoying all her face expressions when she sees the price of the goods sold... way cheaper than what she use to pay in her usual shopping outlet. We'll do it again next time you run low in your stock ya Chokni.....


This was what I steamed in my kitchen. Anybody interested to try, please find the recipe here. Thank you to Hajjah Ummi for kindly sharing this recipe with us.


  1. laaaa senang lah pulak...padakan nak balut daun pisang and rebus....

    1. Hihi... I kan suka mende mende shortcut ni... *wink*

  2. Assalamualaikum Mama cayang, baru keluar hospital eh? Betul la telahan Ummi dgn Mat masa Mat call last week, duk cakap kesian kat blog mama gambar2 hilang, pastu Mat pun cakap ada gambar2 makanana Mama post tu suasana mcm kat hospital jek, tp xdan nak baca...Alahaaiii, Ummi nak masuk jek dah hilang gambarnya... Mama sihat dah ke skrg...amboiii sakan buat lopess...sentap kita tengok....hehe. Resepi aii keee....hehe, x ingat la Mama...kalau Mama hantar sikit, baru ingat...muaaahhh!

    1. Waalaikumussalam Mak Aji cayang... Kita masuk hospital hujung bulan lepas la Mi. Sekarang ni, pepandailah kontrol diri. Nak kena lebih bawak bertenang! Hahaha... susah betullah nak buat. Tapi terpaksa cuba.

      Ha ah, resepi you ler... sudah gaharu cendana pulak... kalau tak garu, gatal pula! Hahahahaha...Gurau Mi gurau! Hugs!

  3. kak mama.. sangat sidap itu lopez especially free, hahaha... sila la wasaping i kalau u buat lagi so i can run to your house.. ops not run drive :)
    well, will buzz u bila i nak menyoping di hero lagi ye.. i was like... hmmm... maklum le tempat shoping i di xxxxx, syyyyhhhh.. dont tell people ok :)
    bila mau buat lagi ni? plus mango crepe plus cookies plus puding plus choc cake, ngehngeh..
    sekian with luv from chokni :)


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