Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Homemade Peanut Butter


A few days ago, I came across one post on my daughter's Facebook wall. A friend of hers wrote, he dreamt that my daughter and I opened a cafe and there were a lot of tasty food!! 

OMG... I have never met this friend of hers and I am not sure if he had tasted any of the food that I've prepared and still he dreamt that I own a cafe. So sweet of you Ainul Haqkim. You've made my day... Though I am quite sure your dream won't come true, but I will keep that as my dream too... who knows one day, everything might change.... *wink* 
And perhaps, these will be my cafe's menu.... ahaha... dream on mama.... 

T.H.E R.E.C.I.P.E 

Last Sunday, I wanted to try a recipe from Makchu's book. I had all the ingredients, except one, and the main one it seems! I was just too lazy to go to the shop to get this one ingredient. Luckily my brain was working that day and I googled for the homemade peanut butter recipe.... And since I am still in the state of being lazy, I just grabbed whatever peanut available, so maybe, my peanut butter is not as healthy as it should be... hahaha.. nevertheless, I have peanut butter without having to go to the shop and get a bottle!! 

Posted by MamaFaMi 
Source : KidsHealth

Ingredients :

1½ cup unsalted roasted peanuts
1 tbsp. peanut oil
* you can add a bit of honey if you wish

Method :

For smooth peanut butter :

1. Mix the peanuts with the peanut oil, and pour the mixture into the food processor. 
2. Process the mixture until it's very smooth. 
3. Store your smooth peanut butter in a sealed container in the fridge. It will be good for 2 weeks. 

For chunky peanut butter : 

1. Take about ¼ cup out of your 1½ cups of peanuts and set them aside. 
2. Mix the rest of the peanuts with the oil, and pour the mixture into the food processor. 
3. Process the mixture until it's very smooth, then stir in the peanuts that you had set aside. 
4. Process a few seconds more to create the chunks in your chunky peanut butter. 
5. Store your chunky peanut butter in a sealed container in the fridge. It will be good for 2 weeks.

Serves : 12 
Serving size : 2 tablespoons

Nutritional analysis (per serving) :

116 calories
4.3 g protein
10.25 g fat
4 g carbohydrate
1.5 g fiber
0 mg cholesterol
1 mg sodium
10 mg calcium
0.4 mg iron

Note: Nutritional analysis may vary depending on ingredient brands used.

Have a nice day!


  1. suka yg homemade....
    puas ati kan mama buat sendiri...

    1. Mas, Kalau tengah rajin, bolehlah semuanya homemade, tapi kalau tengah bersemangat M, makanya semuanya kedaimade! Hahahaha...

  2. salam mama..wah..boleh cuba ni...Tak le susah sangat kan .Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Waalaikumussalam cikmanggis...Tersangaaaaaaaaatlah senangnya nak buat. ;)

  3. emm homemade peanut butter you...tabikkkk

    1. Ha ah you.. sebab i malas pergi kedai... maka kejadian ini berlaku youuuu.... hihihi...

  4. caya lah..i would frequent yr cafe for that kuih jeniper lopeh..yum yum

    make nutella too...

    1. MT doakan semuga menjadi kenyataan..ameen

    2. Wah Mak Teh... cafe kita belum nampak bayang apa pun lagi, customer dah tunggu ni... petunjuk yang sangat memberangsangkan.... ahaks... Ameen ameen to your duaas....

  5. Salam Ma.. :)
    tergedik2 diri ini nak suggest satu menu yg PASTI kene ada kat cafe mama nanti..SAMBAL IKAN BILIS D BOOM! ok eh..jangan lupa tau kalau dah ada di pasaran..haha..


    1. Waalaikumussalam Intan....

      Ahaks... Intan ingat lagi kat sambal ikan bilis mama ye. Tu ha, dalam menu dah ada kan tu.. makan dengan lempeng lagi youuuuu.... ahaks... Nanti dah ada, mama siarkan iklan kat radio eh... Intan dengar radio mana? Hahahahaha.. sabor je la... Intan sihat? Anak-anak macam mana?

    2. uish mana boleh lupa uuu..brp kali buat still x jadi2..makanya mmg kene ayo tgn ma jugak ada perasa semulajadi lain eh..hahha..
      alahai klasik la ma radio..mukabuku kan ado..ehheehhe..
      Alhamdulillah semua sihat je ni..kalau ada masa intan jenguk2 sini lagi ye..take care k ma..jaga BP u ok.. MUAH!


  6. Hi Mama Fami, Hey... you never know dream might come true. But anyway dream pun jadi lah or else life will be so boring and yawnny. LOL

    Pass sikit peanut butter kat sini dengan roti sekali. Homemade peanut butter is the the best, yours look delicious.

    Have a nice week ahead, regards.

    1. Hi Amelia dear...
      Tu la kan, who knows, besok besok dah tua, got nothing to do, can jual kuih kan? Letak satu payung, satu meja and 2 kerusi... jual for 1 hour sudahlah kan? Ahahaha... berangan saja....

      I didn't know that peanut butter is VERY easy to make. Effortless!

  7. sedapnyer mama...fiza paling suke peanut butter ni....apapun leh try ni...kalau homemade ni dijamin kehalalannya dan kebersihannya...he he he...nak try gak la....=)

  8. fiza pun sokong 1000% kalau mama bukak cafe...he he he....

    1. Kalau nak cuba, buatlah 1 adunan ni je dulu. Tak dapat banyak pun. Kalau kena dengan tekak Fiza, bolehlah buat lelebih ye.... Tapi memang betullah tu, memang terjamin halal dan kebersihannya.

      Hihihihi, punyalah kuatnya sokongan tu... kira sokongan padu tu... sampai seribu percent! Hehehe....

  9. thanks for sharing the recipe MamaFami.. insyaallah will try this. my daughter's favourite ni.

    1. Most welcome Shiela dear. You know what, whenever I see your name, automatically the photo of your karipap pusing comes to mind! Hehehe... nak kena cuba gak nanti... kalau tak, macam tak lepas ngidamnya...

  10. wow! hebat la ma...... nak ngan tak nak jerk nak membuatnyer.... ma buat kan kiter aci tak??! hihihihihi

    1. Hebat penamanya Hana oi... takat blend kacang dalam blender je... Dania pun leh buat! Hehehe...


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