Monday, December 5, 2011

Basic Bread Recipe (a keeper)


I had such a wonderful weekend. Alhamdulillah.

On Saturday, hubby gave me his permission to have Girls' Day Out with my sister and her 'happening' friends, Suryani and Hazlinda. We went to watch Ombak Rindu, the lastest Malay film in the cinema, on Suryani. Thank you dearie...bolehlah belanja selalu, murah rezeki you... i like..... We chose to watch at the TGV at Sunway Pyramid. Goodness, to find a parking space there, at 11 am, is very challenging. We had to go round and round the parking lot. Luckily it was Mak Chu who's driving and us (me and Hazlinda) giving her the moral support she needed.... hahahaha.... Finally we managed to find parking at the 5th floor. Then the 'challenge' to find the cinema begins as all of us are not that familiar with Sunway Pyramid! What a good excercise we had! Managed to reach TGV to find Suryani waiting patiently (ye ke?? Ahaks.. siap cekak pinggang bagai kooo... sorry beb..traffic jam... ahaks... alasan klise) for us. We entered the cinema just 5 minutes before the show begins. Right on time!

I have not read the novel by Fauziah Ashari, so I don't really know what to expect. But I was all ready to shed lots of tears as I understand, the movie will be a very touchy one, from the reviews that I had read. I brought a face towel and a packet of tissue with me. But guess what, it didn't happen at all and I am amazed with myself for being so strong! All thanks to ONE of us who really cried her heart out while watching! Hehehehe... I didn't use my face towel, only the packet of tissue. Not to wipe my tears but HERS. Hehehe..... It was a lovely movie... sad, funny, angry, romantic.. all in...

After the movie, we had lunch at Penyet Express. My first time eating Ayam Penyet and it was not disappointing. Then we went to Popular Bookshop and I managed to grab one new novel... haven't read yet as I have quite a pile waiting in queue! I'd like to thank Mak Chu, Suryani and Hazlinda for the lovely day out.... I'm refreshed now! Thank you girls... muah muah muah....

And yesterday... my lovely day out with darling hubby... thank you love......


Made these buns for my sister and her two buddies. Started preparing the bread soon after Fajr prayers and managed to get it baked before we leave for Sunway Pyramid. Guess what, I didn't keep the buns in an airtight container till we got back after 4 pm because I took the buns out of the oven, just before leaving. But the buns stayed soft! I just love this recipe. Posted it once before, but I'll post it again here with a slight change. THIS RECIPE IS DEFINATELY A KEEPER, one of the best to me. Thank you to Puan Roshayati Johari for this WONDERFUL Basic Dough recipe.

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Puan Roshayati Johari

Ingredients :

500g bread flour/high protein flour
100g sugar
1 teaspoon salt
30g milk powder
1 teaspoon bread improver (optional)
1 teaspoon bread softener (optional)
4 teaspoons instant dry yeast

250ml water
1 egg (lightly beaten)

80g margarine

Coarse sugar to sprinkle

Method :

1. Mix well all ingredients in (A)
2. Add (B) into (A) and knead till smooth.
3. Add (C) and continue kneading till smooth and shiny and dough does not stick to your hand.
4. Leave to prove for 30 - 40 minutes.
5. Punch down the dough to let the air out.
6. Divide the dough according to the weight you wish. Make into balls and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
7. Shape accordingly.
8. Leave to prove for 40 minutes - 1 hour.
9. Bake till golden brown.


Bread Maker method :

1. Into the breadmaker pan, pour in the water, egg, salt, sugar and bread softener.
2. Top it with flour, milk powder, bread improver and instant dried yeast.
3. Set the bread maker to DOUGH setting and press start. When the dough is just combined, add in margarine. Leave the bread maker to finish the cycle which will takes about 1 1/2 hour or so.
4. Remove the dough from the pan and divide the dough into 20 equal portions. Roughly about 49 to 50g each.
5. Form each portion into a ball and arrange on a baking tray. Spray with a bit of water. Leave to rise for another 30 minutes or so.
6. Sprinkle the top of the dough with enough coarse sugar. Spray with a bit of water on the dough surface before putting the tray into the oven.
6. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180c for 30 minutes or till golden brown.
7. Once out of the oven, brush with a bit of butter. Place on a wire rack to cool. Keep in an airtight container.

Have a nice day!


  1. Assalam Mama....simpan seketui utk saya...jap lagi saya sampai ketuk pintu umah mama hehehe

  2. salam mama..rindu , lama tak dtg sini.

    wahh gebunyer roti tu.mkn panas2 time winter ni mmg best

  3. Your buns always look perfect! Perfect shapes, perfect size, as if they come out from machine.
    Even the sprinkling looks so even..

  4. assalamualaikum mama... nampak mama tulis 'a keeper' tu, zuppp.. terus tun ke sini.. hihi.. skrg tgh gila meroti.. definitely will try this one!

  5. woohhhooo.... dapat tengok pon jadi lah.. bau pon tak sampai sini.. uhuuu...

  6. ohhh mama.. berlari2 anak sy ke mari bila mama tulis a keeper.. hehehe.. almaklum.. tentu maknanya resepi roti yg betul2 terbaik kan mama? sekali tengok.. ohhh.. basic dough dari Roshayati rupanya... mmg betul ler kalau mama kata a keeper sebab saya pun suka sangat2 ngan resepi ni.. resepi ni pun sy ambil dari fotopages mama dah lama dulu... mmg best.. boleh buat apa2 jenis bun semua sedap & sesuai... i like! lepas ni nak buat roti jugak... resepi ni pasti akan jd pilihan! TQ mama..

    p/s: baca mama tawaf sunway piramid cari TGV tu teringat lak kisah sy tawaf ngan hubby cari restoren ole2 bali tak lama dulu... kakakaka.. mmg boleh sesatlah nak mencari satu2 tempat kat s.p tu almaklum.. masuk pun sekali sekala jer walaupun dekat je dari rumah.. kakakaka...

  7. wow...your bread looks perfect like store bought bread. I will try it for sure.

  8. woahhhh mama.. so so yummeh.. macam nak buat sekarang jugak.. ish pakal lah dah nak masuk subuh ni.. besok pagi akan ku tunai kan hajat ku ini insyallah!

  9. Mama

    thanks for sharing! this is I am torn btw this roti & another one yg Yat dah survey for the weekend..err..susuah2 wat dua-dua sekali and makan roti 1 hari lah nampaknya.. this is fantastic Ma..

  10. Assalam Mama cayanggg...kita x on9 2 3 hari ni duk melayan Saniah n fmly dtg rumah...cari2 rumah kat sini...hehe...dh booking pun... ^_^. Amboii komaiiinn duk sana siap berombak2 eh...sini tepi pantai xda Ombak Rindu...Ombak ala2 tsunami ada laaa....hahahahhaa

    Tp betul ke mama msuk dlm kategori "girl" tuh? wakakkakaka... adeeh harus kene sekeh dgn mama ni nnt.. ^____^

  11. Alahai mouth watering betul tengok roti tu mama .. :)

  12. wooowwwwweeeeeeeeeee...sungguh lah meliukkan...well. this is really like in Kedai roti benggali...ha ha ha...ur buns turn me up side down..toink toink toink!!!!! tengah lapak ni MAMA ooii....anyway.. Mama kat sini pon nak try gak..hhmmm let me see....bile dan waktunye.. ( pasal busy sungguh )....

  13. dear ekk ombak rindu..i'll wait for it to make an appearence in astro first...hihi...tak kosa nak pergi panggung...dengan budak2 balik2 nak tengok crite depa jer!
    besides...i'm so tangkap leleh lah lately...tengok masterchef pun ku boleh nangis...huhu(kan dah nak nangis)
    salin resepi dululah sebelum ku 'banjir' kat sini...!!

  14. Salam

    Been following ur blog and enjoying it. Would like to know from the many recipes on buns that you have posted which is the one that produce the softest and remains soft the longest. More like the ones that you can find the roti naik in Pahang and Terengganu. They remain soft and I doubt the use improver or softener. These are traditional recipes.Hope you could advise me.


  15. Mama...assalamualaykumwbh...great recipe here..will be a keeper for me too....I wud like to share in my entry...mmg sedap dap dap ar mama....

  16. Mama, ur blos is addictive..heee..mama gune telor gred ape eh?tq

    1. Thank you dear, for taking your time to visit my blog. Glad you enjoyed it. Telur kat rumah mama ni, selalunya grade A, the biggest I can find. Hahaha...

  17. Assalamu'alaikum mama
    I just visited ur blog after looking out for good bread recipes.
    This one's really a must try for me.
    Is the water used in this recipe chilled or warm ?
    Thank you

    1. Waalaikumussalam Anee. Thank you for visiting my blog. Appreciate it very much. The water used in this recipe is chilled water. All the best.

    2. Waalaikumussalam Anee. Thank you for visiting my blog. Appreciate it very much. The water used in this recipe is chilled water. All the best.


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