"Mama mana?"
That will be hubby's first question when he enters the house after giving salaam, if I am not the one who greets him at the door when he comes back from work or anywhere. Kinda like it because at least I know, he still remembers me... hahaha... as if he'll forget his cuddly teddy bear! Hahaha....
Besides him, is there anybody out there who has the same question lingering in their minds? Well if there is, then my answer will be, I'm still pretty tight up. Now, not so much with orders but trying to put the house back into a better shape than before! Hahaha.... For a start, I have a room full of clothes to be sorted out. What's to be ironed, what's to be disposed off and bla bla bla....
Anyway, here's the latest attempt from me. Kak Fatimah had ordered a cake for her daughter's ENGAGEMENT! My oh my, that's a big occassion to me. Told her that I am not good in decorating a cake. Cupcakes, are not so much of a problem as the space to cover is less hence any defects will not be so obvious. But nevertheless, I told her, I'll give it a try. Alhamdulillah I am quite happy with my attempt though I know, I have loads of practises to do in order to get a better result. Thank you Kak Fatimah for your trust in me....

Let's move on to the recipe to share. Tried this sometimes back...Thanks Ayin for sharing the recipe with us. I wonder, what happened to Ayin's blog as it is no longer accessible. Whatever it is, I wish Ayin and family, all the best....

Adapted from Ayin's Roti Ham Keju
Ingredients :
250 g high protein flour (I used all purpose flour and added a bit more)
30 g sugar
20 g milk powder
6 g instant dried yeast (1 1/2 teaspoons)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon bread softener
2 egg yolks
130 ml fresh milk
30 g butter
3 pieces Chicken Luncheon ~ cut to small pieces
Mozzarella cheese ~ grated
Method : (Breadmaker method)
1. Pour fresh milk into the breadmaker pan. Add in salt, sugar and egg yolks
2. Top it with sifted flour, dry yeast, milk powder and dough softener.
3. Set the Breadmaker to Dough function.
4. Once the dough is just combined, add in butter and leave the Breadmaker to continue doing it's job. This process will take about 1 1/2 hour including prooving.
5. Remove dough from BM and punch down to release the air. Cut the dough to 2portions.
6. Roll the dough flat. Sprinkle with cheese and chicken luncheon. Then roll like swiss roll. Slice to the thickness of 1/2 inch. Arrange on the baking tray sprinkled with a bit of flour. Repeat the same procedure with the other portion.
7. Leave to proof till double the size.
8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 30 minutes or so.
9. Once out of the oven, brush with butter.

That will be hubby's first question when he enters the house after giving salaam, if I am not the one who greets him at the door when he comes back from work or anywhere. Kinda like it because at least I know, he still remembers me... hahaha... as if he'll forget his cuddly teddy bear! Hahaha....
Besides him, is there anybody out there who has the same question lingering in their minds? Well if there is, then my answer will be, I'm still pretty tight up. Now, not so much with orders but trying to put the house back into a better shape than before! Hahaha.... For a start, I have a room full of clothes to be sorted out. What's to be ironed, what's to be disposed off and bla bla bla....
Anyway, here's the latest attempt from me. Kak Fatimah had ordered a cake for her daughter's ENGAGEMENT! My oh my, that's a big occassion to me. Told her that I am not good in decorating a cake. Cupcakes, are not so much of a problem as the space to cover is less hence any defects will not be so obvious. But nevertheless, I told her, I'll give it a try. Alhamdulillah I am quite happy with my attempt though I know, I have loads of practises to do in order to get a better result. Thank you Kak Fatimah for your trust in me....
Let's move on to the recipe to share. Tried this sometimes back...Thanks Ayin for sharing the recipe with us. I wonder, what happened to Ayin's blog as it is no longer accessible. Whatever it is, I wish Ayin and family, all the best....
Adapted from Ayin's Roti Ham Keju
Ingredients :
250 g high protein flour (I used all purpose flour and added a bit more)
30 g sugar
20 g milk powder
6 g instant dried yeast (1 1/2 teaspoons)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon bread softener
2 egg yolks
130 ml fresh milk
30 g butter
3 pieces Chicken Luncheon ~ cut to small pieces
Mozzarella cheese ~ grated
Method : (Breadmaker method)
1. Pour fresh milk into the breadmaker pan. Add in salt, sugar and egg yolks
2. Top it with sifted flour, dry yeast, milk powder and dough softener.
3. Set the Breadmaker to Dough function.
4. Once the dough is just combined, add in butter and leave the Breadmaker to continue doing it's job. This process will take about 1 1/2 hour including prooving.
5. Remove dough from BM and punch down to release the air. Cut the dough to 2portions.
6. Roll the dough flat. Sprinkle with cheese and chicken luncheon. Then roll like swiss roll. Slice to the thickness of 1/2 inch. Arrange on the baking tray sprinkled with a bit of flour. Repeat the same procedure with the other portion.
7. Leave to proof till double the size.
8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 30 minutes or so.
9. Once out of the oven, brush with butter.
cntik kek ni mama...
ReplyDeletebunga dia.....
emm resipi bwah ni nanti nk try... tq mama
Salam mama! ya Allah canteknyer kek mama niii!!!!! munga2nyer kemassss jerrrr pastu cantek kaler dia! lembut! kita sukeeeeeee!! kalau boleh order skrg mmg kita order!. roti tu nmpk best lah! masuk list..tak tahu mana satu nak buat dulu :D
ReplyDeleteHi Kak! Wow, that's a gorgeous cake! Love those colors..! Superb ;)
ReplyDeleteChicken luncheon rolls! ...nakkkkk !;)
The chicken luncheon rolls looks perfect!
ReplyDeletesanteknyerrrrrrrrrrrrr!! kaler yg sweet!!
ReplyDeletesweet kek tu mama.
ReplyDeletewah sekarang dah makin macam kek dari bakeri... clap clap clap!
ReplyDeletefuyooooooooooooo maaaaaaaa!!!...
ReplyDeletedah jd hardcore bakers nih...fuhhhhh!!
wahhh.. tahniahhh.. maju lagi sekilometer... tak sedepa dah.. lawa kek tu... and ayin's rolls tu.. hmmm bila laa nak buat huhuhu..
ReplyDeletebtw.. managed to ym ngan dia.. memang dia dah tutup blog dia katanya selagi ada blog selagi tu dia akan baking.. and selagi tu laa makan.. hehehe.. but she is fine... nice lady...
ReplyDeletewah makin mantap skill deco mama..cayalah..keep it up!
wow..! cntikkkkkk..nyer! cayelah mama..!
ReplyDeletemenarik nyer maa roti roll tu... terliur dah ni.. buat utk bf tentu anak2 suka ni...
ReplyDeleteSalam Mama cayang...patutlah lama x nampak...waaaahhh cantiiiikkknyaaaa heart shape cake tuh...ada classsss!!! walaupun Mama x penah msuk class deco2 nih...bravoo Ma! Kalau Ummi mmg berterabur terus...huhuuuu..Nanti ada sesapa family area KL tunang or kahwin..siap Ma jd mangsa Ummi..hehe
ReplyDeleteRiena :
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih Riena. Itu je yang upaya ma buat...
ijayuji :
Waalaikumussalam Ika. Huhu.. cantik ke? Ada sifu kata, masih perlu diperbaiki... Tapi tang kaler tu, ma agree. Ma pun suka how the colors combination turned out to be...
Mmm ni mesti dah panjang list Ika ye...
Hi Love. Thanks for your kind words. I love colors!
♥peachkins♥ :
Do give it a try and judge it yourself from the taste aspect. Wink!
hana :
Tenkiu tenkiu....
Epelijau :
Thanks Am
kucingorengemok :
Ye ke? Sukanya... ahaks... ala tapi tak de ler secantik diorang punya sebab mama bukan reti sangat. Men tonyoh je...
Jasmeen :
Haiya...where got! Roses pun tipu punya, main guna swirl je. Tak reti nak wat cam Meen punya roses yang berkembang mekar tuuu....
mamazieza :
Oh.. sekilometer je eh? Ye la kan, maklum ler, kita naik keta lembu! Lambatlah majunya.. muahahaha... sabor je la. Thanks for the info about Ayin. Kita pun dah dapat YM dia. True like what you said...
FiDa@aMiDa :
Terima kasih banyak ye Fida...
Am (Flora Heights) :
Thanks Am...
MaDiHaA :
Buat jangan tak buat ye....
Ummi :
Waalaikumussalam Ummi. Alhamdulillah the cake turned out pretty okay for me. Walhal, dalam kepala ni dok plan nak buat cam lain, keluar pulak cam lain... hahaha... sib baik keluar cam cantik je, kot keluar cam terpeleot... nayo!
The cake looks pretty well done.
ReplyDeleteBut I agree that when it's for a special occasion, our hands might jitter a bit... Tension!!!